01 07 2016 First implementation of HUBB at Fontys Campus

First implementation of HUBB at Fontys Campus

01.07.2016 - Project updates

HUBB, the innovative, modular furniture concept developed by Mecanoo and Gispen, will be a key ingredient for the transformation of a former entrance building into a multi-functional educational environment at the campus of Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Eindhoven. The original entrance building connected two educational facilities with each other, but - as a circulation space - was not optimally used. Mecanoo's design will transform the building into a dynamic learning environment in which students and teachers can work together in a variety of different ways.

Enclosed project rooms, semi-open study areas, and an elongated grand reading table with views across the campus, provide users with many seating options. The characteristic HUBB elements will be combined with loose furniture and bespoke interior pieces.

"Using HUBB, we will be able to achieve a higher-capacity and higher-quality work and study space than would be possible with conventional furniture. And HUBB will last for years; the reuse or recycling of the individual elements make it a very sustainable choice," Paul Ketelaars, partner at Mecanoo, said.

"The idea that a single space can accommodate different learning and working activities simultaneously, appealed to Fontys," Paul continues. "The entrance buildin’s new programming provides flexibility and supports the university’s educational philosophy."

The transformation will be completed by the end of August 2016.

If you would like to discuss a press enquiry reach out to us at pr@mecanoo.nl