2019 03 25 Mecanoo presents Masterplan West Kaohsiung

Mecanoo presents Masterplan West Kaohsiung

25.03.2019 - Project updates

Kaohsiung City commissioned Mecanoo as a masterplan consultant to review the urban vision for West Kaohsiung, where the railway track used to be. “The Underground Railway Project” is a great opportunity for Kaohsiung to update the existing urban fabric with a new public transportation system that will enhance the cityscape and improve people’s lives.

Four key areas are in focus: Hamasen Waterfront, Zuoying Old Fortress, BanPing Mountain and Gushan Station. These urban areas are facing various challenges, ranging from the reconstruc­tion of historic waterfronts and revival of old city styles to the regeneration of brownfields and integration of the urban fabric around old railways.

Guided by the four major themes of “Diversified Ecological Environment”, “Healthy Leisure Activities”, “Clean Mobility”, and “Robust Hydrological System”, Mecanoo identifies the specific characteristics of each area for a context integrated solution.

The project scope goes beyond the design concept and development strategy. Working closely with the Kaohsiung City Government, Mecanoo has translated the results into feasible urban design guidelines which will be used as a basis for municipal development.

Learn more about the Hamasen Waterfront and Zuoying Old Fortress focus areas.

If you would like to discuss a press enquiry reach out to us at pr@mecanoo.nl