Mecanoo has been working since 2022 with Hadley Property Group (HPG) as the lead architect to design the International Quarter London (IQL) North at Stratford’s Town Centre, London. To deliver this project, Hadley is working alongside an award-winning team, partnering with Mecanoo, Delva, Buro Happold and Deloitte.
Over the past 20 years, Stratford has evolved tremendously. The main driver behind this transformation was the Olympic Games of 2012. Key to the changes made for the Olympics was an ever-lasting legacy which would provide a high-quality living environment for future generations. The International Quarter London North (IQLN) remains one of the last unbuilt plots within Stratford's continuously evolving urban landscape.
Purposeful Design
Mecanoo envisions IQLN as a distinctive, high-quality, and inclusive multi-use scheme masterplan distributed along six new buildings reaching heights of up to 32 storeys. Between the six new stepped-tower designs, the development will feature new public spaces and amenity areas, facilitating integration into the surrounding built environment.
The design for IQLN aims to create optimal living conditions for residents and visitors, incorporating a mix of residential uses and tenures, along with various employment, community, and commercial spaces within the public realm.
The distinctive look adds character to the local area, while the use of materials links back to East London’s traditional architecture and craftmanship. The deliberate positioning of uses in line with the various public realm characters transforms the site into a Town Centre destination for the locals around Stratford to enjoy.