Olympiakwartier Urban Planning

Olympiakwartier Urban Planning

Almere, Netherlands



Status: Design
Project Design: 2002 - 2004
Address: Almere Poort, Almere, Netherlands
Client: Dienst Stedelijke Ontwikkeling, Gemeente Almere.
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Project description

Located in the centre of Almere Poort, the 50-hectare Olympiakwartier and Office Park development will become an urban area that combines living, working, retail and public facilities. The urban structure comprises avenues, perpendicular streets, squares and parks. Towards the IJmeer coast, a promenade intersects with east-west avenues. A shopping centre and train station are located along the promenade.

Despite its high density, the area has an open layout with sufficient social space and safe play areas for children. Average building heights range from five to seven floors along the avenues, interspersed with characteristic towers that rise to a maximum height of ninety metres.

Light materials create a relaxed coastal atmosphere. Different interpretations of bay windows offer views of the avenues from the urban blocks. Quality of life, environment and economic vitality, as specified in the Almere Principles planning vision, form important guiding principles for the sustainable development of Olympiakwartier.

Smartly organised, shared parking facilities minimise the prominence of cars in the streetscape. Moreover, almost all the 12,500 jobs in Olympiakwartier are located within an 800-metre radius of the station. Sub-divided blocks facilitate separate developments, and ground floors have a minimum ceiling height of four metres to accommodate changing functions. 

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