Floating Roses

Floating Roses

Nootdorp Pijnacker, Netherlands



Size: 45,000 m2
Status: Design
Project Design: 2010
Address: Voorafsche Polder, Nootdorp Pijnacker, the Netherlands
Client: TNO, Delft.
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Project description

Floating Roses, a consortium of government and commercial parties, wanted to investigate how a floating greenhouse could fit into the Voorafsche Polder landscape in the province of Zuid Holland. Floating glasshouses offer a sustainable solution to meet both the increasing demand for greenhouse horticulture and the need for water retention in low-lying areas by maximising the use of land.  

The design takes its cue from an archetypal farm to fit the large greenhouse carefully into the landscape. With its central, open area and adjacent buildings, native plants, including pollarded trees, and the combination of utilitarian and aesthetic functions, the site forms an intermediate zone between the public and private domain.

Floating Roses is located in a hilly landscape of peatland, with elongated plots and waterways. Passersby can glimpse the floating greenhouse from the historic Strikkade, which passes the northern section of the site.

The structure’s rotated position in the lake accentuates its iconic quality. This effect is further emphasised by the contrast between the straight lines of the greenhouse and the gentle, natural edges of the retention pond. An elongated shed containing a rose-flower processing facility forms a pier to dock the greenhouse.

Beyond functionality, the site is also suitable for recreation. For this purpose, the roof of the hot water buffer tank offers a sheltered viewing point for visitors, and the tank itself resembles a landmark when viewed from the eastern provincial road.

The retention basin functions as a feature pond surrounded by meandering walkways and the orchard doubles as a car park. With facades made of vertical timber battens and deep window and entrance openings, the sheds form a striking contrast with the translucent glasshouse beyond. 

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