Chinese University of Hong Kong

Chinese University of Hong Kong

Shenzhen, China


Status: Design
Project Design: 2012
Address: Yan Long Blvd, Longgang district, Shenzhen, China
Client: Shenzen Municipal Government
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Project description

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, a leading educational institution in Hong Kong, seeks to draw knowledge from the economically flourishing industries of the Pearl River Delta. To elevate the institution’s level of research, a new Shenzhen campus is planned.

Mecanoo was placed second in the running to design the new 100-hectare university campus, in collaboration with the Shenzhen-based practice Urbanus, Node and IBR. While the Chinese University of Hong Kong is renowned for its focus on humanities, the high-tech industrial area of Shenzhen needs a cultural upgrade.

Composed of various building volumes, the campus is divided into an upper and lower section.In the lower section, public cultural facilities such as museums and theatres establish a link with the nearby Dayun Newtown.

University facilities include residences for teachers and 11,000 students, academic offices, classrooms, lecture halls, laboratories, library, gym, courtyards, gardens and canteen. The lecture halls are distributed throughout the lower campus and connect to the sustainable, efficient network of public spaces.

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